The Factory Bottleneck Retrospective
As Scrum Masters, we need to help our organizations identify and work through "bottlenecks". We first identify what these blockers are, then prioritize each item and tackle the highest impact items first.
Doing What It Takes to Refine the Backlog
The Agile product backlog evolves over time. The process of refining the backlog is a core part of Scrum.
Going from a Good to Great Scrum Master
The role of a Scrum Master can be difficult. How do you take your Scrum Master skills to the next level? How do you become a great Scrum Master?
Have Fun In Scrum! The Menu. Scrum and Backlog Prioritization
I think of Scrum Backlog prioritization as if it is a restaurant experience. The backlog itself is a menu arranged to fit the customer’s needs.